Personal Emergency Preparation Plan


  • Complete for each participant

  • Use participant’s support plan to complete details

  • Tailor this plan to the participant’s living situation and home environment e.g. evacuate or isolate them.

  • Trial this plan (essential part of your compliance agains NDIS Standards)

  • Adjust the plan using input from participant, family, workers and any other relevant persons.

  • Train all staff in this plan

  • Provide staff and participants access to this plan e.g. on app or copy to be held at the participant’s home

Note: Emergency may include fire, flood, pandemic or any other emergency situation.

1. Participant Detail

2. Organisation Contact Details

3. Personal Support Planning


4. Living situation

5. Communication Planning

6. Health Management

7. Transportation

8. Assistive Technology

If AT breaks down and it is an urgent emergency repair, call the NDIA

9. Evacuation Points

10. Acknowledge and Review

Personal Emergency Preparation Plan Consultation (list all people who actively participated)

(Note: Plan must be updated at least annually or when circumstances change)